2024 15/06
Italy Apulia Noci Exif: X-T3, XF10-24mmF4 R OIS @ 8/1 1/800, ISO 160 81   
Jpg file

Mother Church of Santa Maria della Natività in Noci

The façade of the mother church of Noci, located in Piazza Plebiscito. The collegiate church, dedicated to the Marian cult, dates back to the fourteenth century and has undergone radical transformations over the centuries. The three-nave plant dates back to the first phase of expansion, prior to the dedication of 1470, the year in which the feudal walnut commissioned works of embellishment. Originally, the structure, typical of a rural parish, was probably monocellular and central plan, oriented south-west compared to the current north-south arrangement. The chapel of the Holy Trinity, dedicated by Niccolò De Palma in 1354, dates back to the first phase of building of the collegiate church.

Noci, Mother Church, Collegiate Church, Piazza Plebiscito, Puglia, Province of Bari
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